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Rotary International

Water water everywhere, nor a drop to drink

By Bettina Kozlowski
Photos by Michal Fidler

The 900-year-old village of Sayod in Tajikistan is nestled in some of the highest mountains in the world, surrounded by enormous glaciers. So much snow melts off these glaciers into rivers below that the country ranks third in the world in water resources per capita...(PDF)

Rotary Contact (Belgium and Luxemburg)

L'eau courante sur le toit du monde

Bettina Kozlowski
Photo: Michal Fidler

Le village de Sayod (Tajikistan) est niche quelque part sur le fianc de l'une des chaines de montagnes formant ce qu'on appele 'le toit du monde'. Il lest entoure de glaciers gigantesques alimentant quantite de rivieres. Le pays arrive d'ailleurs en troisieme place au classement mondial des resources en eau par habitant. Et pourtant...(PDF)

Rotary Bulgaria

Вода вода навсякъде, и нито капка за пиене

Автор: Беттина Козловски
Фотограф: Михал Фидлер

Деветстотингодишното селце Сайод е сгушено сред най-големите планини в света. В изворите и реките в подножието им, в региона на Таджикистан се топи толкова много сняг, че страната се нарежда на трето място в света по водни ресурси на глава от населението…(PDF)

Rotary Good News (Czech Republic & Slovakia)

Dookola sama voda - pitnej ani kvapka

Text : Bettina Kozlowski
Foto: Michal Fidler

Viac ako 900 rokov stara dedina Sayod, leziaca v jednych z najvyssich vel'hor sveta, je obklopena obrovskymi l'adovcami. Z l'adovcov sa roztapajuce masy snehu tecu do potokov a riek. Tato oblast - v sucasnosti znama ako Tadzikistan - je na tret'om mieste na svete v statistike vodnych zdrojov na obyvatel'a...(PDF)

Rotary News/Rotary Samachar (India)


Rotary (Italy)

Dopo la guerra civile

Di Bettina Kozlowski
Photo: Michal Fidler

Eun'amaria ironia. Nel Tagikistan, una delle ex repubbliche sovietniche, ci sono alcune delle montagne piu alte del mondo e quasi meta del paese si trova a una quota di oltre 3000 metri. La neve cpy si scioglie scorre lungo le loro pareti rocciose formando ruscelli e anche veri e propri fiumi...(PDF)

The Rotary Korea

De Rotarian (The Netherlands)

Water, overall water, maar geen druppel is drinkbaar
Bettina Kozlowski
Photo: Michal Fidler

Het eeuwenoude stadje Sayod in Tadzjikistan heft een rumoerige geschiedenis. Na invallen door Arabieren, Turken en Afghanen heeft het een periode van snelle industrialiastie onder de sovvjetregering meegemaakt wat resulteerde in de aanleg van een de grootste stuwdammen ter wereld, de Nurek dam... (PDF)

The Rotarian Monthly (Taiwan) (PDF)

Rotary Dergisi (Turkey)

Her yerde su var ama icecek bir damla su yok
Yazan: Bettina Kozlowski
Fotograf: Michal Fidler

Tacikistan'in 7 milyon nufusunon ucte ikisi yasamlarini tarim ve hayvanciliktan kazaniuor. Ic savas su altyapisini yokettigi icin kirsal kesimin sadece sinin evinde cesme suyu bulunuyor...(PDF)

Revista Rotaria (Venezuela and 12 Latin American Countries)

Agua Agua por todos lados ni una sola gota para beber
Por Bettina Kozlowski
Photo Michal Fidler

La aldea de Sayod, con 900 anos de historia, esta enclavada entre unas de las montanas mas altas del mundo, rodeada de enormes glaciares. Es tal la cantidad de nieve que se deshiela de estos glaciares y llega a los manantiales y rios mas abajo, que el area ahora conocida como Tayikistan ocupa el tercer logar del mundo en recursos acuiferos per capita...(PDF)

Get Involved

Your Rotary club can sponsor a village in Tajikistan or other Central Asian nation. By donating
$500, $1000, $1500 or $2000, a club can provide water for an entire village, home to hundreds of people.
> Learn how your Rotary club could participate in the Central Asia service project.
